This procedure is intended for users who :

1. can connect to zim on their local network (using either an IP address or http://zim/

2. can't connect from internet when they are outside of their local network.

This procedure is NOT intended for peer-to-peer connections (either wifi or Internet)

To get an explanation of the various possible type of connections for zim, go to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The goal of this procedure is to :

1. connect your zim to a "rendez-vous" server on Intenet so that it can send its informations (video stream, printing information) and receive commands (launch print, stop print, check print ...) outside of your local network

2. create for yourself an account on the same rendez-vous server 

3. Link your account and your zim (or zims plural) so that you can access the informations sent by your zim from wherever you are on the Internet

From zim home page,choose "About my zim"

On the "About my zim" page, click on the "Name your zim" button.

On the following screen, follow the instructions to create your account (alternativey sign in if you already have a zeepro account)

When you are prompted to give a name to your zim,(on the screen shown below); make sure to use only alphanumerical characters (a-z, 0-9), no spaces or any other special character

After you have clicked OK, you need to switch off your printer, then switch it back on then wait a few minutes for the new name to propagate in the various rendez-vous servers.

To connect to your printer from anywhere on the Internet, go to and Log In with the Zeepro account you just created.: 

From the list which appears, ckick on the name of the zim you want to connect to.

You'll then be redirected to your zim home page